The Book Of Mikey

This is the evolution of Mikey as created by the blessing of God. Witness shall be given to those gifts given by god during the course of this evolution. All praise to god.

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Location: the realm of dreams, Pennsylvania, United States

The time has come to live without fear.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Wisdom of Mikey 1:1

The tree to the fruit.

If you're like me, at all, you've had moments where a personality trait, tick, idiosyncracy, or habit continues to exist in your day to day affairs, although you've moved strongly against it.(both premptively and actively). You've read the books on how to change the tick, trait or habit, you've spun the discs, you've attended the seminars. AND STILL you reek of consistency.

Whilst railing against the thought forsaken man for the 644,333rd time after the thought-forsaken man had once again exhibited punbjab mediocrity regarding a relevant issue, like, making a clear decision that others could understand. Mikey was blessed with a moment of clarity priority mail from he that sent Mikey.

Your mother and father hated those they worked for, they told you how much they hated those they worked for, their parents hated those they worked for, and so on, and so on.

In fact, The skull of mikey did shine with blissful clarity as the sun did bounce off of it when Mikey did understand his entire childhood and formative years were spent listening to the grumblings of those who hate their keepers.

From the rule of Saint Benedict: Chapter 7
Holy Scripture, brethren, cries out to us, saying,"Everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled,and he who humbles himself shall be exalted" (Luke 14:11).In saying this it shows usthat all exaltation is a kind of pride,against which the Prophet proves himself to be on guardwhen he says,"Lord, my heart is not exalted,nor are mine eyes lifted up;neither have I walked in great matters,nor in wonders above me."But how has he acted?"Rather have I been of humble mindthan exalting myself;as a weaned child on its mother's breast,so You solace my soul" (Ps. 13[14]0[131][131]:1-2).

Mikey was blessed with the realization that he had exalted himself thinking that his parents had given him all he needed, and relied upon this knowledge with little regard for the unknown.

Mikey was also blessed with the thankfulness of that which had been given to him by his parents.

Mikey did pick up his roots and move to more fertile soil, nonetheless.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Chronicles of Mikey 1:3

In the time of revelation. there were those who stood on the firmament and denied the existence of the firmament.
there were those who were warmed by the sun and closed their eyes to the light of the sun to see the firmament upon which they stood.

These souls of denial walked the land stating they were of the people and for the people.


ran for the caves to hide from alleged oppressors and did not voice support, due to, "Viability"

Though role models would pass by these souls of denial:
Men like Henry the Fifth
Ben Franklin
John Hancock
George Washington
The Apostle Paul

each would ask the soul of denial. "This is America, who are you to determine what candidate is viable, or not?"

This particular soul of denial(having spurned the efforts of Mikey repeatedly to point out not only the source of the warmth this soul denial is warmed by, but the light that comes from this source as well)
Would simply say, "I will vote for the lesser of two evils."

So saieth Mikey, "With such stubborness, I will give you an additional choice."

The soul of denial did say, "What is my choice Mikey, you know I cannot vote for McCain as he is not conservative, nor can I vote for Obama, as he is a socialist, so I must sit home on my duff and do nothing, this is my choice. What additional choice will you give me"

Mikey continued" The father did give you this country and your life within this country, for these reasons you must vote for president, and not sit home. Your additional choice is this, and it comes from he who sent me. You may choose the place for my foot, either in your dorsal side, or upside your port bow. Or you can vote, and make no choice of where my foot shall land"

The soul of denial did say, "I have noticed the light, it comes from that which warms me, I will vote and spare your foot"

Mikey did grin, and the people did feast upon the joy of this choice